Tuesday 15 October 2019

Media Theorists

Stuart Hall; Reception Theory
The idea that communication is a process involving encoding by producers and decoding by the audience.
The idea that there are hypothetical positions from which messages and meanings may be decoded.
The Dominant- takes the message the producers intended.
The Op-positional- understands the message but disagrees fully.
The Negotiated-  understand the message but only agrees to some extent.

Albert Bandura; The Effects Theory
He done experiments on how children would react if an adult did something would the child copy.
This leads to if people see stuff online will they try to copy.

George Gerbner; Cultivation Theory
He done a long term experiment by dropping small messages to try and persuade readers.

Steve Neale; Genre Theory
The idea that genres are made up of repetition and differences.
Repetition is done so the audience can tell what the genre of the film is going to be immediately so the audience can have a better understanding of the film.
However difference is done to surprise the audience and make it unsuspecting.

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