Friday 4 October 2019

Media Genre

Setting- In the background it shows an isolated street that is dark and foggy to represent mystery however the contrasting flames to make viewer suggest theirs danger because fire can be a representation of the devil, it could be night as shown through the dark lighting on the poster.
Themes- The theme is action, this is shown through the destruction and also the gun as we can assume the character has used it by his body language as it looks like he's walking away from the action. 
Icons- The gun is a icon because it makes the character seem dangerous however his suit is a contrast as it represents him as successful and has a good style.
Narrative- the film will be portrayed around the main character and how he has overcome traumatic events throughout his life.
Character- Assuming that the man walking is the main charter shows that the story is going to be an action film just by his body language as he grips to the gun suggesting he knows how to use so he's not afraid to kill if he has to, also the way he is dressed shows he is financially comfortable meaning he is successful at what he does.
Textual Analysis-the camera shot is from the distance this allows the viewers to see the background to emphasize the action, he editors have added slight details such as making it more gloomy to show a mystery, his outfit is very neat and tidy this is a contrast to the road this affect will draw in a viewer, there is only one guy in the shot this shows off his importance to the movie.

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