Friday 25 October 2019

Media Audience - Old Spice

“Smell like a man, man”- Old Spice

Media Audience - Gillette

“The best a man can get”- Gillette

Media Audience

A; Professionals, Higher management
B; Middle management, Teachers, Creative and Media People
C1; Junior management, White collar
C2; Skilled manual workers, Blue collar
D; Semi-Skilled manual workers
E; Unemployed, Students

-Aspire; Care about your self image and how it is portrayed.
-Succeeders; These type of people have big goals in life and work very hard to reach them.
-Resigned; Quite the opposite to Succeeders these don't have huge life goals they are just surviving.
-Explorer; like to discover new opportunities stand out from the crowd as well.
-Struggler; Normally disappointed with there life and drinks to get an escape for a while.
-Reformers; Don't like to spend a lot off money also seek enlightenment.

There is different kinds of responses to a piece of media due to;
- age
- cultural experience
- historical experience
- situated experience
- gender
- ethnicity

Media Representation

Film Industry

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Media Theorists

Stuart Hall; Reception Theory
The idea that communication is a process involving encoding by producers and decoding by the audience.
The idea that there are hypothetical positions from which messages and meanings may be decoded.
The Dominant- takes the message the producers intended.
The Op-positional- understands the message but disagrees fully.
The Negotiated-  understand the message but only agrees to some extent.

Albert Bandura; The Effects Theory
He done experiments on how children would react if an adult did something would the child copy.
This leads to if people see stuff online will they try to copy.

George Gerbner; Cultivation Theory
He done a long term experiment by dropping small messages to try and persuade readers.

Steve Neale; Genre Theory
The idea that genres are made up of repetition and differences.
Repetition is done so the audience can tell what the genre of the film is going to be immediately so the audience can have a better understanding of the film.
However difference is done to surprise the audience and make it unsuspecting.

Friday 4 October 2019

Media Semiotics

The poster promotes a TV series called Grimm.
It shows two police officers observing a dead body this suggests that there is danger lurking.
To give the poster a twist there is a slight glimpse of the supernatural to make the viewer want to know what it is.
The house at the top is a lot brighter than where the dead body is suggesting the house is a safe place.
The dark smoke coming from the house suggests danger this shows a contrast to the bright lighting.

The police officers are next to each other meaning they are close and know each other well.
The supernatural claw is obviously hiding meaning that character is either afraid or hunting the two officers.
Because the beast is hiding we assume he is to blame for the murder however the character is mostly hidden so it is a mystery who the killer is.
As the house is in the middle of know where we assume someone dangerous lives there this can be backed up by the smoke as black is a color for death.

Media Genre

Setting- In the background it shows an isolated street that is dark and foggy to represent mystery however the contrasting flames to make viewer suggest theirs danger because fire can be a representation of the devil, it could be night as shown through the dark lighting on the poster.
Themes- The theme is action, this is shown through the destruction and also the gun as we can assume the character has used it by his body language as it looks like he's walking away from the action. 
Icons- The gun is a icon because it makes the character seem dangerous however his suit is a contrast as it represents him as successful and has a good style.
Narrative- the film will be portrayed around the main character and how he has overcome traumatic events throughout his life.
Character- Assuming that the man walking is the main charter shows that the story is going to be an action film just by his body language as he grips to the gun suggesting he knows how to use so he's not afraid to kill if he has to, also the way he is dressed shows he is financially comfortable meaning he is successful at what he does.
Textual Analysis-the camera shot is from the distance this allows the viewers to see the background to emphasize the action, he editors have added slight details such as making it more gloomy to show a mystery, his outfit is very neat and tidy this is a contrast to the road this affect will draw in a viewer, there is only one guy in the shot this shows off his importance to the movie.