Monday 18 November 2019

News and Language

Conventions of a Mid-Market Tabloid

Conventions of a Mid-Market Tabloid
-Typography; Large dramatic headlines
-Traditional Values; Newspapers publish views on the Royale Family
-Moral Panics; Headlines explore certain topics like knife crimes
-Dramatic Informal Tone; made of address
-Emotive Representation; More subjective than objective language
-Soft and Hard News; Both Broadsheet and Tabloids

Soft News

Hard News
-The Economy

Newspaper Genre's

-Broadsheets -The Guardian, The I
-Tabloids -The Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Star
-Mid-Market Tabloid -Daily Mail
-Local News -South-London Press
-Freesheets -The Metro
-Sunday News -Mail on Sunday

Fourth Estate

Political and Social influence
- The Fourth Estate
 -1st Estate (Religon)
 -2nd Estate (Monarchy)
 -3rd Estate (The Wealthy)
 -4th Estate (The News)

Friday 15 November 2019

Middle Market Tabloid

Middle Market Tabloid

The copy is more formal than any tabloid but less than a broadsheet but its also opinionated.

There is a mix of soft and hard news for example theres an article on taxpayers but also an article on a celebrity selling a signature on Ebay on the same cover.

The headline has been written in traditional Serif-Font to give off an old-fashioned look to appeal to a variety of audiences.

Capitalised headlines are used to make the words stand out and it makes it easier to read so important articles will use it.

The copy to image ratio is pretty even as Middle Market Tabloids are both formal yet opinionated.

News is portrayed as both entertainment and Information to give their audience a variety of copy in their papers.

A Middle Market Tabloid has a target audience off a lower-middle class women however cause of the gimmicks and prizes to be won it is a lower-middle class in general.



This type of newspaper uses more formal language throughout the print for example the detail used to describe how "Snowden leaks to British intelligence."

Harder news agenda is used throughout the broadsheet as politics, finance and international news are popular stories.

Serif-Fonts are used in the headline to symbolise the news company to be formal and old fashioned, this attracts their target audience.

The front page is dominated by copy as each story is written in extreme detail to capture everyones view.

The Times offers news as information for example the amount of different stories available for the reader.

The audience is upmarket, this is shown by the stories published as broadway ( a high end theatre ) is a key story.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Red Top Tabloid

Red Top Tabloid

The Daily Star shows an example of less formal language when it says "Maura is on the prowl"

Softer News - Maura from love island is a celebrity which shows a softer news story.

The sans-serif font ( Daily Star ) is white with a red background to symbolize the type of news it publishes.

ROBBIE - This headline is in capitalised sans-serif font to stand out from the other text.

The image to copy ratio is high, due to the page being filled with images and little writing =.

Sport is being advertised as entertainment on the front cover.

Through the use of informal language, pictures and colours it targets a downmarket audience.